Thứ Bảy, 23 tháng 8, 2014
- At first glance (or worse, “at first blush”)
- As a nation (or worse, “as a society”)
- Upon deeper reflection (why not reflect deeply from the start?)
- Observers (unless referring to people actually sitting around watching something)
- [Person] is not alone (from anecdote to generalization, we get it)
- And [someone/something] is no exception
- Pundits say
- Critics say (or “critics are quick to point out”)
- The American people (unless in a quote)
- The narrative (unless referring to a style of writing)
- Probe (an uncomfortable substitute for “investigation”)
- Opens/offers a rare window (unless it is a real window that is in fact unusual)
- Begs the question (unless used properly – and so rarely used properly that it’s not worth the trouble)
- Be that as it may
- If you will (actually, I won’t)
- A cautionary tale
- Needless to say (then don’t say it)
- Suffice it to say (if it suffices, then just say it)
- This is not your father’s [anything]
- [Anything] 2.0 (or 3.0, or 4.0…)
- At a crossroads (unless referring to an actual intersection)
- The powers that be
- Outside the box (describes creative thinking — with a cliche)
- A favorite Washington parlor game
- Don’t get me wrong
- Yes, Virginia, there is a [something]
- Christmas came early for [someone]
- Chock full (“full” is just fine by itself)
- Last-ditch effort (unless ditch-digging is involved)
- Midwife (as a verb, unless involving childbirth)
- Cue the [something]
- Call it [something]
- Pity the poor [something]
- It’s the [something], stupid
- Imagine (as the first word in your lede)
- Time will tell if [something]
- Palpable sense of relief (unless you can truly touch it)
- Sigh of relief
- Plenty of blame to go around
- Rorschach test (unless it is a real one)
- Turned a blind eye
- Underscores
- Cycle of violence (unless referring to a particularly vicious Schwinn)
- Searing indictment
- Broken system (or, “the [anything] system is broken”)
- Famously (if readers know it, you don’t need to tell them it is famous; if they don’t know it, you just made them feel stupid)
- The Other (or “otherize,” “otherization” and other variations)
- Effort (as a verb)
- Table (as a verb, as in “table the talks”)
- Shutter (as a verb, as in “they shuttered the factory”)
- Gestalt/Zeitgeist
- Orwellian (unless discussing George Orwell)
- Machiavellian (unless discussing Niccolo Machiavelli)
- Gladwellian (never)
- What happens in [somewhere] stays in [somewhere]
- Oft-cited
- Little-noticed
- Closely watched
- Hastily convened
- Much ballyhooed
- Shrouded in secrecy
- Since time immemorial
- Tipping point
- Inflection point
- Point of no return
- The [anything] community
- If history is any guide
- The devil is in the details
- [Somebody] does not suffer fools gladly
- A ragtag army (or ragtag militia)
- A tale of two [anything]
- Ignominious end
- Tightly knit (unless referring to actual knitting)
- In the final analysis (especially as beginning of a final sentence/paragraph)
- Ultimately (same as above)
- For all intents and purposes
- At the end of the day (same as above)
- Victim of his/her own success
- Who lost [insert country here]?
- Punditocracy
- Twitterati
- Commentariat
- Chattering classes
- Naysayers
- Keen observer
- Took to Twitter
- Tongues wagging (h/t afterword to paperback of “This Town”)
- White-shoe law firm
- Well-heeled lobbyists
- Skittish donors
- Byzantine rules (unless referring to the empire in the Middle Ages)
- Rise of the 24-hour news cycle (it’s been a while)
- In the digital age (again, it’s been a while)
- Not so fast
- Remains to be seen
- Tenuous at best
- Woefully inadequate Or so it seems
- Depending on whom you ask Burst onto the national political scene
- For now (especially at the end of a sentence set off by a dash; all it does is negate everything that came before)
- Tectonic shifts or seismic shifts (unless real ones)
- Feeding frenzy/feeding the frenzy
- Double down
- Game-changer
- [Anything]-gate (especially if you’re writing in The Washington Post)
- In the wake of [anything]
- How I learned to stop worrying and love the [anything]
- Love [X] or hate [X]…
- The [anything] we love to hate
- Don the mantle of [anything]
- Usher in an era of [anything]
- A portrait emerges
- In a nutshell
- The social fabric (or “the very fabric of our democracy/nation/society”)
- Hot-button issue
- Hotly contested
- Perfect storm
- Face-saving compromise
- Eye-popping
- The argument goes
- The thinking goes
- Contrary to popular belief
- Intoned
- The new normal
- The talk of the town (unless referring to the New Yorker section)
- It couple (or “power couple”)
- Paradigm shift (in journalism, all paradigms are shifting)
- Unlikely revolutionary (in journalism, all revolutionaries are unlikely)
- Unlikely reformer (in journalism, all reformers are unlikely, too)
- Grizzled veteran (in journalism, all veterans are either grizzled or “seasoned”)
- Manicured lawns (in journalism, all lawns are manicured)
- Wide-ranging interview (in journalism, all interviews range widely, even if they don’t)
- Rose from obscurity (in journalism, all rises are from obscurity)
- Dizzying array (in journalism, all arrays make one dizzy)
- Withering criticism (in journalism, all criticism is withering)
- Predawn raid (in journalism, all raids take place in the predawn hours)
- Nondescript office building (in journalism, all office buildings are nondescript)
- Unsung hero (in journalism, all heroes lack music)
- Sparked debate
- Raised questions
- Raises more questions than answers
- Raise the specter of [anything]
- More often than not
- hand-wringing
- Ironic Capitalization Implying the Unimportance of Things Others Consider Important
- But reality/truth is more complicated (in journalism, we oversimplify, then criticize the oversimplification)
- Scarred by war (unless referring to real scars)
- War-torn
- War of words (worse if followed by “is heating up”)
- Trading barbs
- Shines a spotlight on [something] (unless there is a real spotlight that is shining)
- [Something] is no panacea
- [Something] is no silver bullet
- Political football
- Political theater
- More than you think (how do you know what I think?)
- Less than you think (how do you know what I think?)
- Not as much as you think (how do you know what I think?)
- You guessed it (how do you know what I guessed?)
- Shifting dynamics (code for “don’t hold me to this”)
- The situation is fluid (code for “I have no idea what is going on”)
- Partisans on both sides
- Charm offensive
- Fallen on hard times
- On thin ice
- Poster child
- Going forward
- Creature of Washington
- Official Washington
- A modest proposal (this was written once, very well, and has been written terribly ever since)
- Stinging rebuke
- Mr. [Anyone] goes to Washington (unless a reference to the actual movie)
- The proverbial [something] (Tacking this in front of a cliche doesn’t excuse it, just admits you used it knowingly)
- Fevered speculation
- [Anything] is all the rage
- Iconic
- How did we get here? (code for “here comes the b-matter”)
- But first, some background (code for “I know more than you do”)
- Growing body of evidence
- [Anything] on steroids (unless you cover professional sports)
- Resists easy classification/categorization
- Increasingly (unless story proves something is in fact increasing)
- Tapped (as substitute for “selected” or “appointed)
- Any “not-un” formulation (as in “not unsurprising that you’d use that cliche”)
- Wait for it
- Wait, what?
- There, I said it
- And here’s the kicker
- See what I did there?
- 'Bed' (verb)
- Translation: Have sex with
- 'Pour one's curves into'
- Translation: Wear
- 'Show someone what they're missing'
- Translation: Leave the house without crying
- 'Party until the early hours'
- Translation: Leave a nightclub relatively late
- 'Unlucky-in-love' (adjective)
- Translation: Unmarried
- 'Wowed the crowds'
- Translation: Performed
- 'Turned heads in'
- Translation: Wore
- 'Blonde' (noun)
- Translation: Blonde woman
- 'Slam/blast/attack'
- Translation: Criticise
- 'Romp'
- Translation: Have sex
- 'Go au naturel'
- Translation: Not wear make-up
- 'British taxpayers'
- Translation: British people who aren't illegal immigrants
- 'Bare one's curves'
- Translation: Leave the house in anything other than an burkha
- 'Caused a stir'
- Translation: Turned up
- 'Go make-up free'
- Translation: Not wear make-up
- 'Step out'
- Translation: Leave the house
- 'Rack up a XXXX bill'
- Translation: Spend XXXX
- Sleepy village
- Translation: Village
- 'Male/female admirer'
- Translation: Man/woman
- 'Donned'
- Translation: Wore
- 'Rocked'
- Translation: Wore
- 'Shows off'
- Translation: Is in possession of
- A stitch in time saves nine
- Blow off steam
- Can’t hold a candle to
- Close, but no cigar
- Eyes bigger than stomach
- It’s coming down to the wire
- It’s time to face the music
- That’s a horse of a different color
- Somebody dropped a dime on him
- A word to the wise
- A leopard cannot change his spots
- A fool and his money are soon parted
- A penny saved is a penny earned
- This too shall pass
- Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
- Birds of a feather flock together
- Cheaters never prosper
- Cold hands, warm heart
- Don’t count your chickens before they’ve hatched
- Don’t upset the apple cart
- Fight fire with fire
- Finders keepers, losers weepers
- Great minds think alike
- Honesty is the best policy
- If the shoe fits, wear it
- If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen
- Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
- It takes one to know one
- Keep your chin up
- Less is more
- Treat others as you want to be treated
- Misery loves company
- All publicity is good publicity (so not true)
- Money talks
- Never put off to tomorrow what you can do today
- Add feathers in one’s cap.
- A Narrow escape
- At one’s wits end
- A big gun
- A Fish out of water
- A cat and dog life
- A cock and bull story
- Above board
- Add fuel to fire
- All fire and brimstone
- An axe to grind
- An open secret
- Apple of discord
- Apple pie order
- At a glance
- At daggers drawn.
- At large
- At one’s beck and call
- At par
- At the eleventh hour
- At the fag end
- At the mercy of
- Bad blood
- Bad debt
- Bask in the glow
- Be hand in glove with
- Bear the burnt
- Bear the grudge
- Beat about the bush
- Bed of roses
- Bed of thorns
- Bell the cat
- Between devil and the deep sea
- Bits and pieces
- Black and white
- Black sheep
- Blessing in disguise
- Blow one’s own trumpet
- Bolt from the blue
- Bone of contention
- Bread and butter
- Break the ice
- Bring to light
- Bring to book
- Build castles in the air
- Burn midnight oil
- Burn one’s finger
- Burst at seams
- Burning question
- Bury the hatchet
- By and large
- By hook or by crook
- By leaps and bounds
- Call a spade a spade
- Capital punishment
- Carry weight
- Caught in the cross fire.
- Cat out of the bag
- Chicken hearted man
- Cold blooded murder
- Come down heavily on somebody
- Come out with flying colors
- Command a premium
- Come to a standstill
- Cost dear
- Cool one’s heels
- Cross swords
- Crux of the problem
- Cry for the moon
- Cry over spilt milk
- Curry favour with somebody
- Cut a sorry figure
- Cut throat competition
- Damocles’ sword
- Dance to someone’s tune
- Domino effect
- Dark horse
- Deliver the goods
- Die in harness
- Do the rounds
- Die is cast
- Eat a humble pie
- Eat one’s words
- Eke out
- End in fiasco
- End in smoke
- Eye wash
- Emotions run high
- Face the music
- Fall out of favour
- Fall short of
- Fan the sentiments
- First and foremost
- Fish in troubled waters
- Flex the muscles
- Fly in the face of something
- Flying visit
- Foot the bill
- Foregone conclusion
- Fall on the deaf years
- Foul play
- From hand to mouth
- Give a clarion call
- Gain ground
- Get on one’s nerves
- Get rid of something
- Gift of the gab
- Give in
- Give vent to
- Give away
- Go Scot free
- Gather steam
- Go to dogs
- Go off
- Go haywire
- Good for nothing
- Grease the palm
- Greek and Latin
- Gird up one’s loins
- Grope in the dark
- Hang in balance
- Hard and fast
- Hard nut to crack
- Have an edge over
- Hell bent on something
- Herculean task
- High time
- Hit below the belt
- Hit the nail on the head
- Hobson’s choice
- Hold good
- Hope against hope
- Hue and cry
- Hush money
- In a jiffy
- In a nutshell
- In full swing
- In good faith
- In light of
- In the dark
- In the good books of somebody
- In the red
- In the black
- Ins and outs
- Jack of all trades, master of none
- Jump to the conclusion
- Keep one's word
- Keep the fingers crossed
- Kith and kin
- Lame excuse
- Laughing stock
- Leap in the dark
- Learn by rote
- Leave in the lurch
- Leave no stone unturned
- Lend an ear to something
- Let loose
- Lion’s share
- Live in a fool’s paradise
- Look down upon
- Loosen the purse string
- Maiden speech
- Make both ends meet
- Make mountain of a mole hill
- Make up one’s mind
- Much ado about nothing
- Newtonian approach
- Necessary evil
- Nine days wonder
- Nip in the bud
- Null and void
- Olive branch
- On the cards
- On the eve of something
- Out of place
- Out of question
- Play out of one’s skins
- Pay back in the same coin
- Pillar to post
- Put on a back burner
- Play down
- Play truant
- Pound of flesh
- Poke one’s nose
- Pour oil on troubled waters
- Pros and cons
- Queer fish
- Quirk of fate
- Rain or shine
- Rainy day
- Read between the lines
- Red letter day
- Red tapism
- Rest assured
- Right hand man
- Rise to the occasion
- Rolling stone
- Rule out
- Rule the roost
- Save one’s skin
- Sea change
- See eye to eye with each other
- See things through coloured glasses
- Set the Thames on fire
- Shed crocodile’s tears
- Silver lining in a dark cloud
- Sine die
- Sit on the fence
- Slip of tongue
- Smear campaign
- Smell a rat
- Sorry state
- Speak volumes
- Spell doom for
- Spill the beans
- Start from the scratch
- Steer clear from
- Stick to one's gun
- Stir the hornet’s nest
- Storm in tea cup
- Strike the balance
- Strike while the iron is hot
- Strike a discordant note
- Sweep under the carpet
- Swim against the current
- Take a heavy toll
- Take a leaf out of others book
- Take on
- Take the bull by horns
- Take stock of the situation
- Tempers run high
- Thankless job
- Tip of the iceberg
- The length and breadth of something
- Throw cold water on
- To be in neck to neck with each other
- Train the gun on somebody
- Throw down the gauntlet
- Throw mud at
- Throw out of gear
- To and fro
- To pass the buck
- Tom, Dick and Harry
- Tooth and nail
- Trump card
- Turn down
- Turn turtle
- Under a cloud
- Uphill task
- Ups and downs
- Vexed question
- Via media
- Wear and tear
- Wet blanket
- Whims and fancies
- White elephant
- Wild goose chase
- Wolf in the sheep’s clothing
- Word of mouth
- Worship the rising sun
- Yeoman’s service
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