Thứ Bảy, 19 tháng 7, 2014


PHỤ LỤC 1. Luyện dịch từ vựng abbreviations abortion ABS Academy Awards accents access acronyms acting actor AD additional/in addition to adjectives administration admit adoption ADR advance planning adverbs adviser/advisor aeroplane African-American aftermath AG aggravate age aged, elderly AGM AIDS aircraft, airplane Air Force One airlift al Qaeda all-time, all time Allahu akbar allege al Shabaab altercation alternative altitudes a.m. ambassador American Indian America's Cup amid among, between analysts and anniversary annual meeting another antennae, antennas Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty anticipate, expect anxious, eager any more, anymore APEC apostrophes approximately Arab names arbitrator, arbiter, mediator Arctic Sea, arctic chill Argentina, Argentine army around arrest as as, like Asian subcontinent at the present time, at this time ATM attache attorney general Australian Labor Party author average awakened awhile, a while baby boomer backlash backwardation bands bankruptcy Bank of China Baptist barrel basically basis basis point battle BC “be” with a present participle because beg the question believed bellwether Benelux bereft beside, besides bestseller; best-selling between, among biannual, biennial Bible, biblical bid, in a bid to billion bimonthly, semimonthly bin Laden BIS bitcoin biweekly black black box blame blockbuster blond, blonde blueprint Bombay bond book titles both boss boy boycott, embargo bpd brackets, parentheses Braille brand names breach, breech Brent BRICs Britain British Isles brownout BSE burgeoning burglary Burma Burmese names bus but Cabinet Calcutta Calpers can capable, capability capital, Capitol capital account capitalization carrier carry out catch- caution celibacy, chastity cement, concrete centigrade cents centimeter Centers for Disease Control and Prevention centuries CEO chairman, chairwoman charisma cheap, low Chennai Chinese names Christ Church of Christ, Scientist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints CIA cities claimed class action lawsuit clichés climb up close proximity Cold War collision collusion, collaboration comedian commas commence commercial paper communique communist company names company titles compare comparatively compass points comprise compound compound adjectives concerning confrontation Congo Congress, congressional consensus consequence conservative considerable consult continual, continuous contractions contrast controversial conversions conversions in sports writing convince, persuade copter corporate America Court of St. James’s court-martial credit ratings crescendo crisis, crises crop year crown currency crucial cult currently dais, lectern, podium, pulpit, rostrum dashes data datelines dates deaf decades decimals decimate defeat definitely defunct demolished, destroyed denials depths deputy -designate despite the fact that devaluation dictator differ from, differ with different dilemma dimensions directions disabilities disaster disc, disk discomfit, discomfort discover discriminatory language diseases distances district attorney Dow Jones industrial average divorcee doctor DOD dollar sign do’s and don’ts Down syndrome dramatic drunk, drunken due due process each and every earth earthquakes EBIT, EBITDA, EBITDAR Eid al-Adha Eid al-Fitr either elderly -elect election/elections ellipsis elusive email embargo, boycott emerge enormity England envision EPS escalate, escalation Eskimo estimate estimated at about Ethiopian names ethnicity EU euro, eurozone Eurobond European European names eventuate ever ex- exacerbate exam execution exchange rates exclamation mark or point exports overseas eyewitness facility Fahrenheit farther, farthest FBI FCC FDA fears, hopes fedayeen fellow fewer, less than fiance, fiancee fief fighter jets figures Filipino film titles finalize firefighter firm first lady First World War fiscal year Fleet Street flight numbers following foodstuffs foot forbear, forebear forced forego, forgo foreign language phrases foreign exchange rates forex former, latter Fort fortnight fortuitous (k) four-wheel drive Fourth of July fractions Frankenstein Freddie Mac FSA FTC full fulsome fundamentalist future plans GAO Gaborone gale-force winds Gambia gambit Gandhi gas gearing GDP gender general Gentile generation first/second German spellings get, got giant girl global GMT – Greenwich Mean Time GNP God golden share Golden Week good, bad bad news, good news Gospel governance Government Accountability Office (U.S.) governor-general, governors-general gram grammar Grammys grand jury Grand Prix. Grands Prix grand slam Great Britain Great Depression gross domestic product ground rules grow Gulf Gypsy habeas corpus Haiti Hamas Hamilton H-bomb healthcare hedge fund heavenly bodies heights here hertz Hezbollah HICP hike hint Hispanic Hispanic names historic, historical HIV Hizbollah hoi polloi Holland holy places hospitalize, hospitalization House of Commons, the Commons House of Representatives housing unit human being hundredweight hung hurricanes hyphenation icon; iconic ld al-Adha, ld al-Fitr illegal immigrant imam impact, impacted by important imports from abroad impress in addition to in connection with in the past inch include, comprise index, indexes Indians indicated indict indirect (reported) speech Indonesian names industrial action in fact infant injuries, wounds in order to in spite of international community International Court of Justice internecine Internet Interpol Intifada Inuit IRA ironically Islamic Islamist Israeli names its, it’s Japanese legal system jargon Jeddah, Saudi Arabia jeep, Jeep Jerusalem Jesus Christ jets jihad jihadi, jihadist John F. Kennedy International Airport John F. Kennedy Space Center join together jumbo jet junkie justify Kaaba key keynote kilometer km per hour king Kolkata Korean names kph Labour Party, Labor Day Land Laos large-scale last/past/latest late lathi lay, lie lay waste leave leftist legend/legendary legislature less lieutenant lifelong lift light-year like, as like, such as -like likely liquidation liquidity lists literally loaded words loans local locate/location looking to lord-lieutenant, lord-lieutenants lorry low-income LNG LPG LSD Madras maintain major majority of, vast majority of man, mankind manufacture, manufacturer Marines Marseille materiel materialize M.D. measurements Mecca Medal of Honor medical stories mega- metaphors metric system metric ton middle initials in names Mideast midnight miles per gallon miles per hour military . Aircraft . Armoured Vehicles . Battle . Military titles . Ships . Units, formations . Weapons millimeter million mob moderate Mohammad months moot more than Mormon move move to mpg, mph Mullah Mumbai murder mute Nanjing NASA National Guard national names national security adviser nationwide Native American NATO nautical mile navy Netherlands news conference newspaper titles nicknames nobility none Nordic countries Northern Ireland now nuclear power numbers OAPEC OAS obscenities ocean OECD of/of the officials OIC oil barrels oil statistics OK ongoing OPEC Osama bin Laden Oscars outside Oval Office over oxford blue PAC Palestine Liberation Organization parentheses parliament parliamentarian participles partner Pashtun past, last per percent percentage Persian personnel personal names persuade, convince PGA pilots PIN pious plan ahead plane plea bargain pled PLO plummet p.m. pointed out police Polisario Front political parties poll Poona Pope Portuguese names posh positive pound pound sign precautionary measure precondition predawn preplanned Presidents Day press conference prestigious price-earnings ratio prime minister prior to proactive process professor profit profit-sharing pro-life pronouns pronunciation proper names proven proverbial public school publications punctuation Pune punter purchase Quakers quarter-final queen quip quite quotations race radical ranges rape victims realtor recession Red Cross regime religious titles religious terms remain, remained remainder rendezvous reported, reportedly reports requirements responsible result in return on equity Reuters revenue Reverend Richter scale rock’n’roll Roma rouble rounding figures row royalty rule Sahara Saint Saakashvili sanction SARS savings and loans associations (U.S.) Scandinavia scheme Scottish names SDRs SEALS seasons Secret Service sector Security Council see, saw semiannual Senate Sept. sexist language sharia sheikh sherpas Shia ship tonnage ship names short ton Sierra Nevada since single out skills skipper slam slang so as to so-called Somali some song titles sophisticated South Asia Space Age Spanish names special spokesman, spokeswoman sports events titles stadiums, not stadia Standard & Poor’s Index Star Wars star/superstar state names stealth storms strategic subsequent to, subsequently substitute for successive successor successfully such as, like Sudan sufficient summit superlatives SUV table tablespoon, tablespoonfuls take over (verb), takeover (noun) Talib/Taliban Tangier, not Tangiers, Morocco. tankan targeted Tatar tattoos, tattoing, tattoed tautology tax avoidance/evasion Tbilisi, not Tiflis, Georgia. teammate teams teaspoon, teaspoonful, teaspoonfuls teenage, teenager terminate teargas Tehran, not Teheran, Iran. Tel Aviv television station/network television series/season temblor temperatures Temple Mount/al-Haram al-Sharif temporary respite tenses terrorism Thai names that, which theatre, but in American style theater their, there, they're there is, there are Thimphu Third World therefore third man thrash, thresh threshold Tiananmen Square, not Tienanmen, in Beijing tiebreak Tigray Timbuktu time titbit, but in American style tidbit titles titles of sports events titleholder together told reporters told Reuters tomato, tomatoes ton, tonne tonnage of ships top topspin tornado, tornadoes torpedo tortuous, torturous Tory, Tories total, totalling, totalled, but in American style total, totaling, totaled total annihilation Touareg towards trademark trade union, trade unions, not trades unions. traffic tragedy Transdniestria trans- transfer, transferring, transferred transparency transpired transportation transsexual transvestite travel, travelled, travelling, traveller travelogue treasury bill trillion triplets Trojan horse, Trojan Wars troop, troupe troubled truck true facts try and Tsar, not Czar T-shirt, not teeshirt tsunami tuberculosis TUC turgid, turbid Tuvalu TV twice typhoon tyre Tyrol, Austria UAE UAW UEFA UFO UHF UK UKAEA Ukraine ULCC Ulster ultimatum, ultimatums Uncle Tom under way undersecretary unexceptionable, unexceptional UNICEF Unification Church uninterested, disinterested unique un-Islamic United Kingdom United Nations United States unparalleled unusual names up/down upside down upsurge upcoming Uppsala, Sweden. uranium URL USDA U.S. Congress U.S. courts U.S. datelines U.S. Marshals Service U.S. legislative titles U.S. states user friendly utilise U-turn Valletta, not Valetta, Malta. Vanuatu Varanasi VAT venal, venial vendor ventricle, not ventrical, of the heart Very light Versus veteran veto, vetoes, vetoeing, vetoed VHF via vice- vice versa videogame vie, vying, vied Viet Cong, not Vietcong Vietnam Vietnamese names Virgin Mary vocal cords voice mails volcano, volcanoes Volgograd volley, volleys Voodoo VTOL vulgarities wagon Wahhabi, Wahhabism waistline waiver, waver wake walkie-talkie war on terror warn wartime Washington, Washington, D.C. Washington's Birthday wastebasket weather weather forecaster, not weatherman weather terms Web, website weekend week-long well West West Bank Western Western Hemisphere Western Sahara Western Samoa Western Wall Wheeler-dealer Whet, wet which whiskey, whisky white-collar White House white paper whiz-kid WHO who, whom wicketkeeper wicketkeeper-batsman wide-, -wide widow Wi-Fi wind farm withhold woes word processor, word processing workforce World Bank World Council of Churches World War One/Two World Wide Web worldwide worship, worshipper, worshipped wrack, rack wreaked writedown writing . clichés . euphemism . jargon . long words and clumsy titles . Synonyms . metaphors . repetition . reported speech . spin . verbs writeoff WTO WWF Xerox yard yardstick year ends yoke, yolk youth zero, zeros Zuider Zee ZULU

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