Thứ Năm, 20 tháng 3, 2014


0Against means touching something or somebody for support. Pattern 1: verb + against + noun The man was leaning against his car. Typical verbs used before against: hang, lean, lie, rest, sleep Pattern 2: verb + noun + against + noun They held the mirror against the wall. Typical verbs used before against: butt, hold, keep, lay, lean, place, pull, put, rest, set f) Against means touching forcibly. Pattern: noun + verb + against + noun The rain beat against the window. Verbs often used before against: bang, beat, crash, crush, heave, hit, knock, push, splash, throw, thrust 8Against means in opposition to. Pattern: noun +verb+ against+ noun The mayor was against the idea of a new day-care center. Stealing is against the law. Our senator voted against that bill. Typical verbs used before against: act, argue, campaign, debate, fight, go, move, play, vote, work Nouns often used after against: action, bill, concept, enemy, force, idea, law, nomination, orders, plan, precepts, principles, proposal, regulations, religion, rules, suggestion, teachings, team, wishes 0Against can mean toward a force in the opposite direction. Pattern: verb + against + the + noun Sailing was rough yesterday; we sailed against the wind all day. Typical verbs used before against: drive, fight, go, move, run, sail, struggle, swim, walk Nouns often used after against: current, flow, force, tide, wind Expression: against traffic- / drive against traffic because /live in the city and I work in the suburbs. 0 Against can mean to the disadvantage of. Pattern: noun + be+ against + noun You may not get that job because your age is against you. Typical nouns before be against: age, background, height, inexperience, nationality, youth 0Against can mean in contrast to. It is hard to see your black necklace against that dark dress. 8Against can mean in defense of. Pattern: verb+ noun+ against+ noun They vaccinated the children against whooping cough. Their heavy coats protect them against the cold. Typical verbs before against: guard, lock up, protect, seal, vaccinate 0Against can mean in partial payment of. Pattern: noun + against + noun Enclosed is a check for one hundred dollars against my bill. Typical nouns after against: balance, bill, charges, debt, loan 0 Expressions against all odds/with all odds against one-having very little chance of success Team A was less experienced than Team 8, but they won the game against all odds. Many people come to this country and become successful with all odds against them. go against the grain-seem very wrong Child abuse really goes against the grain. have two strikes against one-be at a strong disadvantage (In baseball, a player is eliminated after three strikes.) When you are poor and sick, you have two strikes against you. «!) Phrasal verb be up against (nonseparable)-be faced with opposition, trouble, or hard work My friend is up against a lot of problems. When he started his own business, he had no idea what he was up against.

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