Thứ Sáu, 21 tháng 3, 2014

Su dung gioi tu Along

Pattern 1: verb + along + noun We walked along the water's edge at the beach last night. Pattern 2: verb + along with + noun He used to sing along with me. among Among can mean surrounded by. Pattern: verb + among + plural (three or more) noun They camped in the woods among the trees. f) Among can mean with each other. Pattern: verb + among + plural (three or more) noun The children quarreled among themselves. Typical verbs before among: argue, celebrate, debate, discuss something, fight, play, share something, talk E) Among can mean to the individuals in a group. Pattern: verb+ among + plural (three or more) noun They distributed the flyers among the students. Typical verbs before among: distribute, hand out, pass out Among can mean included in a group. Your friends are among the survivors. Among can indicate many of a group. Latin dancing is popular among the college students.

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